Contact Us

Main Number: 602-452- 3300
Main Address:
Arizona Supreme Court
1501 W. Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007

TDD (for the Hearing Impaired): 602-452-3545

AZ Courts
Court Locator
Administrative Office of the Courts
Executive Office: 602-452-3301
Legislative Office: 602-452-3361
Communications Office: 602-452-3656
Administrative Services: 602-452-3500
Adult Probation Services: 602-452-3460
Certification & Licensing Division: 602-452-3378
Court Services: 602-452-3358
Dependent Children Services: 602-452-3400
      CASA: 602-452-3407
      Tucson location: 520-388-4300
Education Services: 602-452-3060
Human Resources: 602-452-3311
      Job Hotline: 602-452-3655
Information Technology: 602-452-3346
Juvenile Justice Services: 602-452-3443